Did you know that even senior Tripawd dogs need exercise? I’m proof! Check it out!

Workin’ Out with Senior Tripawd Dogs Like Me
How’s it going pawty people? Can you believe it’s summer? I hope that you and your peeps are doing alright. Mom and Dad keep saying “These are crazy times” but I don’t know what they mean. I’ve always put the Crazy in their life, since 2009!
With all those years behind me, I’m a little slower these days. My peeps noticed, and they wanted to find out what to do about it, so they talked to my favorite rehab people on the computer the other day.
The dogtors asked mom and dad to make me do some exercises. Nothing too hard, as you can tell.
I’m still pawsome right? But the dogtor saw this video and was like “Oh yeah, well we can’t say until we see him in person. But it looks like lumbosacral disease.”
And I’m like lumbo who? The dogtor says “Well, it’s not surprising since he’s a senior Tripawd dog. But it’s also a German Shepherd thing.” I don’t know what that means but now I’m getting all kinds of extra attention, thanks to her orders. She’s in Colorado, and since I’m not a traveling dawg this summer, we won’t be seeing her for a while. Until then, is my life…
First I get to pond swim every other day. Not really swimming though. The dogtor only wants me walking in water. That’s why I’m on a long leash here. I try to swim far but mom reels me back like a fish.

Next, I get to see another dogtor every week. At least for a while. He’s a nice dude but he sticks needles in me. What the?

It didn’t really hurt and I didn’t mind, since I got peanut butter the whole time. And the next day I felt so much better, my achy old bones weren’t hurting as much. Mom thinks she saw something new in my hop. The dogtor says he thinks the needles will keep me feeling good.

Mom and Dad are also doing all these new senior Tripawd dog exercises with me. They’re not as hard as my old ones, but I still have to work hard to do them.
At the end of the day, every now and then Mom tries to put a cold thing my back leg, ’cause that’s what the dogtor wants. I don’t really like it and try to run away, but she keeps trying.

These people, I tell ya. If it were up to me I would lay around all day. But the dogtor says to keep me moving or my back end will get stiff and hurt more. I don’t mind, especially if it means I get more peanut butter.
Well that’s it for now party peoples. Keep on hoppin’, stay pawsitive and I will too!