So There You are Summer!

See how three-legged Wyatt spent spring break in Colorado and Wyoming, and what he’s going to do next.

Tripawd Wheelchair Walk

Oh man what a spring break that was. So there you are summer!

Tripawd German Shepherd
Hellooooo Summer!

Well, there was no spring break for my peeps. They just worked like always. But at least some of it was fun for me. I got to get some therapy with my friends at Colorado State. And I even made friends with some new veterinarians who didn’t want to poke me, they just wanted to be my friend! I’m like, “You’re pulling my leg doc!”

When we got to Wyoming I had lots of breaktime because it was so darn cold outside! Don’t get me wrong, I love cold. It’s my people that don’t. So we didn’t do a lot outside until last week or so. When the sun finally came out and things warmed up, out came my wheels.

Tripawd Wheelchair Walk
OK fine but only if you give me treats.

I used to like my wheels but now they’re kind of annoying me. I think they are crooked or maybe I am. My mom is doing all kinds of therapy with me to make sure I stay in shape. Sometime soon she will tell you  about the contraption she sticks to my back, and the exercises where she IS pulling my leg!

We are leaving Wyoming today and going back to see my therapy friend Sasha at Colorado State. I know she’ll be able to make me like wheels again.

Did you miss me my friends? If so, I won’t let that happen again. I’ll leave you with this little movie of my life during spring break. You can play it over and over again until next time I come back here.

It’s time for me to get outside. You should too! What are you waiting for?

Hoppy summer everypawdy! Over and out…

Author: wyattraydawg

I am Wyatt Ray Dawg, Tripawd Extraordinaire, and Leg-A-Cy to my hero, Jerry G. Dawg. My pawrents are Jim and Rene, creators of

6 thoughts on “So There You are Summer!”

  1. Awwww Wyatt, you handsome dawg! How could anybody not miss you?! So good to see you and oh MAN you are rawking those wheels big time!!
    Lots of rain here lately so we been chillin’ watching movie marathons while Ma works on spring cleaning… boring!!
    One of these trips you should mosey over to KY (or somewhere in the general vicinity) although we are getting ready for summer here too so it’s gonna get HOT soon! (We have a pool though, let’s see if little Bo decides to swim or not 😂😂)
    Good to hear you are all doing well, sending lots of hugs!
    Jackie and Huck

  2. Hey Jackie! Sorry you got all that rain but I’ll bet it’s gonna make Kentucky even greener! We went through there once and it was so pretty. Mom and Dad went on some bourbon trail thing and I didn’t get to go sample any, can you believe that? Can I come stay with you whenever they go again? I LOVE swimming!

  3. Vets who didn’t poke you and didn’t pull your leg?? What a happy boy you must be!!
    Amd now your hoomans want to pull your leg with some contraption they’re keeping as a secret from us?? That’s crazy!! Your hoomans may need a couples therapy session ….a therapy session with a shrink!!

    Sorry your wheels are annoying you. You hide your displeasure quite well. You appear to be “one with the wheels”.

    I ALWAYS love video and pics of you Wyatt Ray. The extra special bonus though is seeing the beautiful scenery as your backdrop. Thrpugh you, I get to travel to places I would never get to see otherwise. You have such a spectacular playground Wyatt! Glad the weather warmed up enough to get your hoomans outdoors to welcome Summer with you!!
    And Wyatt, I know sometimes these Bet appointments and all the contraptions your hoomans dress you in, seem like a “punishment. Nope, completely the opposite. They love you soooo much, they are willing to do anything and travel anywhere to get you THE best care possible!!

    Looking forward to some seeing some more of your Summer adventures!!!
    Lots of love ❤❤❤
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  4. Sally you always make me smile and know how to make me feel better about those vet visits and gadgets and stuff. You are a great coach!

    I am going to make mom and dad come get you so you, Merry Myrtle and Frankie can go camping with us OK? Wouldn’t that be a riot?

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