Three legged Wyatt meets tripod Dakota at the Larimer County Humane Society Fire Hydrant 5 Fundraiser in Fort Collins.
I’m finally recovered from the wild and crazy pawty at my crib last weekend. Whew! Who knew that keeping up with a nine year old Tripawd and his girldog bodyguard would be so much work?
Dakota and Evelyn came to see me doing my working dawg impawsonation.
I had to demo my Fit Paws skills at some big event in town.

My fans kept rushing the stage, I had to keep them away.

It got so bad that I had to call in my crew to keep them back!

While Dakota was working hard trying to get people to buy my Mom’s Tripawds jewlery

and Evelyn was looking for something to eat . . .

I got so excited!

Someone yelled “WYATT!” and they weren’t yelling at me! Another Tripawd with MY name showed up!
I dunno though, he wasn’t too cool with my antics. What up dude, how come you aren’t digging my barking?

After that long day in the pawk, we took Dakota and Evelyn back to my crib in the woods.
I’m not sure if they were too hoppy about it. Evelyn tried to kill me a few times. No really, she did. I’m just glad that Dakota’s Mom and human brother didn’t seem to mind my doghouse rules.

Thanks for coming by Shari and Aidan! I love you!
And as for you Dakota, well, I owe ya buddy. You’re really cool.
Your sister though….she kinda freaks me out.