King of the Mountain

Three legged German Shepherd Wyatt Ray guards the Colorado ranch against fools who play with fire in the mountains.

The days are long and the work is hard here in this Colorado paradise. But each time I reach the top of the mountain, I am KING.

Can you hear me roar?

My people are working hard trying to make sure the tourists are happy. We go around fixing stuff and I keep a careful watch to make sure nobody causes another forest fire (the scary Colorado fires that you probably heard about got real close to here).

It’s safety first on the ranch. No barbecuing, no camp fires, nothing. Don’t even think about playing with matches you fool, or you’ll have to answer to ME!

Patrolling the West

Three legged German Shepherd Wyatt talks about his life as a ranch dawg patrol at Vickers Ranch in Lake City Colorado.

A day in the life of me, Wyatt Ray Dawg.

Now that my pawrents are working long days at the ranch in Colorado, I get to hang out in my crib and keep an eye out for bears, deer, elk and those pesky rabbits. Sometimes they try to come around but usually they’re smart enough not to. I sleep a lot when I’m alone.

Other days I get to go ride around with Dad when he makes the rounds on the property in a jeep. He says there are 2,000 acres here, which I guess is a lot cause sometimes it takes us a long time to check it out.

Mom works in the office. There’s a lot of activity to regulate there and I get too tired trying to keep things under control, so I don’t go there much.

When it gets warmer I’ll get to go swimming in all of the ponds when Mom and Dad get off work. I can’t wait to swim again.

And now, back to work . . . zzzzzzzzzzz

The Sheriff Goes Back to the Ranch

Three legged German Shepherd Wyatt Ray Dawg goes back to ranch dog patrol in Lake City Colorado.

Wooohooo! On Monday my summer assignment begins and I’m back on payroll. It’s back to the Colorado ranch for me, where I will keep an eye out for things that don’t look right, critters that don’t belong and people who need some corralling.

Hold yer horses, there are some good stories to come!


Three legged German Shepherd dog Wyatt Ray loves swimming in the rivers and playing in the snow.

Just last month I was swimming in a river on a hot day in Utah, having a ball.

Mom said “Be careful!” because the water was very fast.
So Dad kept me on my leash.

See, three legged dogs can swim! I told you.

Just when I thought summer was here . . .
We got on the road and went to Colorado.

And it was winter again!

Wheeeeeee! I love love love snow. I wish every day was winter.

Hey Sheep, Yer Goin’ fer a Ride!

German Shepherd sheep watch dog Wyatt tells the herd a secret at the end of summer.

Pssst! Hey listen Sheepie, I got something to tell you. Now remember I’m just the messenger OK? Don’t be mad at me.

The rancher lady sez to me that my security services are no longer needed at the pen. She sez you’re going away.

I’m not sure where you are going, but I heard her say something about a house?

Wherever you go little Sheepie, I just want you to know that I had fun getting to hang with you. I never thought I’d like to watch over sheep somewhere besides my food bowl!

Maybe when you come back all wrapped up, the food bowl is where you’ll be!