Heeeeeerrre Fishy, Fishy

Three legged canine amputee extraordinaire Wyatt Ray Dawg catches his first fish in Lake City, Colorado.

Why are fish cleverer than humans?

Ever seen a fish spend a fortune trying to hook a human?

Hahahahaha! I kill myself sometimes!

That’s me, fishing with Mom and Dad in Lake City, Colorado. See, they don’t call it “Lake City” for nothin!

Can’t wait to go back next summer.

When the Humans Are Away . . .

Three legged German Shepherd Wyatt Ray stays home alone without the crate for the first time.

The German Shepherds play. Or at least I will, all by myself!

Today Mom and Dad left me all alone in the house, without locking me in the big ugly cage! Can you believe it? First time EVER, for that long.

They’ve been messing with my head lately, leaving me all alone in the house for a few  minutes each time, but today was the real deal. 

When they left this morning, I heard Mom say she “thinks” they can trust me alone for a couple of hours. I don’t know why she was so worried!

They were gone all morning and when they came back at lunch, there I was waiting for them, being my usual charming self. 

I didn’t eat anything I shouldn’t have, chew on anypawdy’s shoes or scratch at the door. All I did was dance on the couch for a little bit, which tired me out so I slept. When I woke up, I heard them in the driveway.

“You’re a big boy now, Wyatt!” Mom sez to me. “You’re all growed up!”

Really? Me? 

No more crate? No way! 

Let’s pawty!


Hay Dad, Your Neck’s All Red

Three legged German Shepherd Wyatt Ray runs the ranch in Lake City, Colorado.

Rolling….rolling….rolling…keep them dawgies movin!

There I was, chilling after my big surgery and milkin’ it for all it was worth, when Mom and Dad start packing up the doghouse on wheels and away we go to Cowboy Country.

They tried bringin’ me here when I was a punk kid, but I went CRAAAAAAZY so we left after just a week or so.

Now that I’m older and wiser….ok, older, they thought they could try it again. So Dad’s talkin’ like he’s gonna go play farmer or something and I’m LMAO going “Uh huh, sure Dad, you’re going to trade in that laptop for a tractor eh? Riiiiiiight.”

But look, he wasn’t joking! Yep, that’s him on the left, working on the big hay machine, instead of banging away on that keyboard.

He’s all beat up and his neck is sun burned. I think they call that a RED neck, don’t they? Hah! But that’s why you ain’t seeing him much around lately.

Me, I’m diggin’ it here being a ranch dawg and chillin with my peeps, a pack of wild Shelties and lots of freaky critters like fish and deer and I hear there’s elk too but I ain’t never seen them.

Mom is also working hard but since she’s taking pictures she’s never in them. Trust me though, she’s kickin’ butt doing a lot of gardening stuff here.

I heard them talking about coming back for like all summer next year. I like this ranching thing. A few more weeks of this and I’m going to be running that tractor myself!

Oaktown Pack Rocks da Rockies

Three legged Oaktown Pack German Shepherds visit Tripawds spokesdawg Wyatt Ray in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado.

Just when I got my groove down at the house that doesn’t move, away we go in the dog house on wheels to somewhere really cool for dawgs (bet you want to know where huh?).

But before we left, nopawdy gave me time to tell you about the how da Oaktown Pack rocked the Rockies!

Codie Ray, Travis Ray, Wyatt Ray, Smokey B

There I am, minding my own bidness one afternoon in July, chasing rodents and moose, hangin’ and chillin’ in the cool cool mountains. When all of a sudden, the Tripawds mobile shows up and there’s my homies from Oaktown! No joke dude, they came all the way from Cali for ME! These are the cool dudes that took care of me after I got my leg cut off.

We got down to some serious prey drive fun. You know, barking and sqwirels and chasing deer and raising hell in the trees. We ROCKED!

Haaaa! Whatup with that wussie Travis Ray? He’s got his eyes closed because he’s afraid of the woods! Hah! 

It was dope! I can’t believe they came all the way to see ME. Even when Smokey B. took off and wouldn’t come back (I tole him he was gonna get it!), the humans didn’t get mad. Maybe it was all that WINE they were drinking! Hah! BUSTED!

Way cool to see my buds. I hope they come back again (Mom says “no way are we going to Oaktown in the dog house on wheels!).

Now, hang on and wait till I’ll tell you about where I am NOW. But you gotta wait. OK, don’t pee the floor, you can hold it, I’ll tell you soon, I swear.

Back on Patrol

Three legged German Shepherd Wyatt Ray recovers from major surgery and foreign matter material invasion in his leg.

Hey Moose? Hey Skwirl? Guess what? 

I’m back!

Yeah  you heard me.

No more stitches, no more pills.

No more bandages or bland meals.

Now there’s just vet bills! Hahaha!

The doctors say there’s no more “foreign matter” in my leg.

How did those foreigners get in my leg anyhow?

Now, my life is back to normal and I’m ready to kick some butt!

Are you ready?