I’ve Been Everywhere, Man (Again!)

Tripawds Spokesdog Wyatt is hoppy to leave hot Texas weather and return to the cool mountains of his favorite Colorado ranch.

Hot weather is no place for a snow dawg like me. I spent the last couple of months in a hot, hot place  . . . they call it “Texas.” It was way too hot for me. Apparently it was hot for Mom and Dad too, they liked to sip many cold drinks while we were there.

German Shepherd, Wyatt, Tripawd
Come on Dad, gimme!

My people took the dog house to cool places and sure, I had some good times. Like when I patrolled the Rio Grande, again!

German Shepherd, Rio Grande, Texas, Tripawd
Who needs a wall when you’ve got Wyatt Ray Dawg?

And then I got to shred the half-pipe.

German Shepherd Skater Dog
Who needs a skateboard?

On the way north, we went to this pretty church. I said a prayer for Spirit Jerry and all my Tripawd pals.

German Shepherd, Wyatt, Tripawd, New Mexico, Chimayo
Can you hear me Jerry?

And now it’s time to head back to the Ranch, where I get to patrol alllll day long and not break a sweat (Ok, yeah I know dogs don’t sweat, but you humans know what I mean). I can’t wait! I hope you’ll join me.

Adios, Texas.

Tripawd German Shepherd Ruffwear boots
“Coolorado here I come!”


City Dawg, Country Dawg

Tripawd Wyatt travels across the Southwest in another epic snowbird RVing season.

Been traveling from here to there and everywhere these days. Mom and Dad think they’re going to keep away from cold weather. I don’t know why, because I think it’s pawesome. Whatev.

So now, I’m in Texas.

I’m a little bit country.

Tripawd, Wyatt, German Shepherd, country dog
Oh how I love the country!

Last week I was in Tucson Arizona.

And I’m a little bit rock ‘n roll

Wyatt, German Shepherd, Tripawd
A Tripawd in the city.

I’m a little bit country, I’m a little bit rock ‘n roll

Now tell me Tripawds Nation, what are YOU?

Wyatt Ray’s Christmas Workout

Tripawds spokesdog Wyatt demonstrates fun fitness exercises for three legged dogs you can do at home.

Hey Tripawds Fans!

Anypawdy else out there feel like they ate a few too many cookies? Well here’s the fun workout I did Christmas morning to work off the big bone I got

tripawd workout with wyatt

I thought we were just going for our usual walk. But my people found a fitness course where we are staying, and started having me use all the obstacles for some fun training before opening up the rest of my presents.

tripawd workout with wyatt

I’ve been doing conditioning exercises like this for a while on my FitPAWS gear, so I make it look easy. But you can do it too! Just be sure to do some warm up exercises first, and work your way up to the more difficult stuff.

tripawd workout with wyatt

Hopping from one step to another builds confidence and leg strength. Going up and down the steps first was a good cardio workout too!

tripawd workout with wyatt

Balancing on my FitBone is one thing. These little posts were a challenge! But I showed them I could do it.

tripawd workout with wyatt

This type of balancing is great for developing proprioception and building core strength. Look ma, one paw!

tripawd workout with wyatt

Next they had me walk the balance beam. Sort of…I hopped up and along some benches first.

tripawd workout with wyatt

But then I scooted down these really narrow beams with both my front paws. That counts right?

All this stuff helps me keep fit and strong—because a healthy tripawd, is a happy tripawd!

More Fun Fitness For Tripawds

You can do exercises like this at home too! Just check out this DIY obstacle course Maggie’s mom shows you how to make. You’ll find many more exercises to keep Tripawds strong in the Featured Blogs, and the Tripwds e-book Loving Life On Three Legs.

Speaking of Maggie Moo, please consider consulting with a certified rehab tech before starting any serious exercise regimen. You can even get reimbursed for your first visit by the Tripawds Foundation!

Vet Rehab Reimbursement

Travelin’ Tripawd Dawg Goes Cross Country

On the road to the #BlogPaws conference with three-legged German Shepherd Wyatt and his people.

What the heck were Mom and Dad thinking when they put us in a van and hit the road last month?


Why didn’t they take our dog house on wheels? I don’t know, they shouldda. We were crammed in the van like sardines!


They kept saying “It stinks like a kennel in here!” I kinda like that smell but whatev.

We went from Colorado to Tennessee and stopped at all kinda places. Iowa was one of my favorites. That’s where we met Michelle, Angel Sassy’s Mom, in Iowa. She is so nice! She took some of the pictures here.  Thanks Michelle!

My people like to go to crazy places. This weird thing in Iowa is for looking at the planets and the stars.

It started to get hot. Good thing we found the Illinois River!

Watch out. There’s more stories from the road as soon as Dad gets all the pictures off the camera!



Ramblin’ Rocky Mountain Spokesdawg

Tripawds spokesdawg Wyatt is happy to be back in the snowy Rocky Mountains, but will be hitting the road again soon!

Mom sez I haven’t blogged in a long time. And that’s setting a poor example as the Tripawds spokesdawg. Whatever.

tripawds wyatt walks in desert

I been busy. You know, walkin’ and such.

tripawds wyatt walks in desert

Since my last post here, we spent more time in the desert. I wore my Ruffwear boots cuz there was lots of sharp rocks and prickly catcusses everywhere we walked. Continue reading “Ramblin’ Rocky Mountain Spokesdawg”