Tripawds three legged spokesdawg Wyatt Ray goes for exploratory surgery at Colorado State University.
Hah! None of you got the answer to my contest right. But none of you got it wrong either. Even those smarty pants Colorado State Vets didn’t know.
They poked and prodded and sliced, and . . . uh oh. Nothing came out. Nothing smelly or icky or runny or anything good like that.
Finally the vets came out and said “So, it could be this, or it could be that, but it doesn’t look like cancer. But we need to ‘go in’ and see.”
Before I knew it, Mom was giving me big hugs and then the nice lady vet walked me down the hall away from Mom and Dad. And that was that. So here I sit in a cold steel kennel, waiting . . . . (I’m sending this to my Mom psychically, you know?).
Tomorrow, Dr. Feelgood is gonna zonk me out and when I wake up, we’ll know what to call that creature in my leg.
Down the rabbit hole I go.