Three-legged Wyatt Ray is once again a snow dawg, happy Tripawd dog playing in the Colorado snow.
Just when I thought I would never see it again, my dream came true.
Snow Day!
We brought the dog house on wheels back to Colorado for summer. But it’s not quite time for hot weather here in COOLorado! I’m so hoppy, my favorite kind of weather came back just for me.
I think Santa Paws came early. Like really early. I hope the white stuff sticks around. It’s my favorite way to pawty.
See what happens when four, three-legged German Shepherds and one four-legged honorary Tripawd get together for the last ever Original Oaktown Pack play date.
Dog friends come, and dog friends go. Especially in my life, cause I’m a travelin dawg as you may know.
The Original Oaktown Pack: Smokey B, Austin Ray, Codie Rae, Travis Ray and Wyatt Ray
But my homeboys the Oaktown Pack are with me through thick n thin, even when we are far away from each other. They showed me how to be a Tripawd long ago when I came home from the hospital. I had no pack to call my own, they took me in like their brutha from another mutha.
So back in January when Smokey B (rest in peace my angel friend), Austin Ray, Travis Ray and the one and only Codie Rae showed up at my doorstep to kick off the new year, I almost lost my mind. I could not believe they drove for hours and hours just to see ME! And when they did, this is what went down.
It was the last time all five us us would ever be together as the original OP. I’m so glad we got together. Thank you Martha and Ralph. I will never furget those good times.
It’s our day Tripawds Nation, let’s spread the word that three-legged cats and dogs rock on #TriDay2019!
Yo Tripawds Nation, it’s Wyatt Ray Dawg and I’m barking at you today because it’s #TriDay2019! There’s no better day of the year than March 3 to spread the word. 3/3, get it? Yeah I knew you would!
Wherever you like to be, in our Tripawds Discussion Forums, on the Tripawds Facebook page or Twitter or Instagram and of course in the real world too, get those photos and videos ready to fly, share the message to everypawdy out there that life on three can be oh so sweet.
All my feline friends and my canine pals in da house know how to rock three paws. We make life the best it can be. No hesitation. No regrets. And there’s no feeling sorry for us ’cause we sure don’t.
Tripawds human family, you rock too! You help me and my heroes stay strong, hoppy and healthy on three legs by being smart about Tripawd exercise. You’ve seen that when you make sure we have the right kind of rowdy fun, three-legged dogs and cats are totally strong for life. We are just as great as any ordinary four-legged animal. But lots of people don’t know this and we kinda freak ’em out, or they feel sorry for us. So let’s set the record straight. Please spread the word today, and every day!
Thanks for all you do for Tripawds everywhere, my friends. Have a great TriDay 2019! Over and out.
I’m walking and rollin’ in my rear leg wheelchair.
Let’s face it. I’m ten years old. My walks ain’t what they used to be — as long as mom and dad have any say about it. Oh don’t get me wrong, I try to go far, but the humans keep saying something about not letting me overdo it. So walks get shorter and guess what? I get bored. And fat. Not even Tripawd brain games make me as happy as walking. I’m a working dog breed, remember?
Then in December the Oaktown Pack came to visit and brought wheels for me! The wheels belonged to Austin Ray. He couldn’t use the wheels after a while because his “front end doesn’t work so well,” say his people. That’s when mom thought I should give them a try.
A few weeks later they called a dogtor and we met her at a park. I thought that we were gonna go play ball or something, but nope. Dr. Kramer is a canine rehabilitation dogtor, and she was there because you just don’t put a Tripawd in a wheelchair without an expert to make sure it fits right. Check out her Tripawd wheelchair tips.
So here’s what happened:
They fussed with me for a long time, trying to get the cart to fit right. But it only took a few minutes for ME to figure things out. Dr. Kramer kept saying “Wow he’s taking to them faster than I thought he would!”
To her I said, “You had your doubts?” I mean come on, my people are always bugging me to model new gear for Tripawds. Harnesses, boots, you name it, they make me show it off. So why would wheels be any different?
We’ve been practicing our new walking routine. I don’t go for wheelchair walks every day, since the chair puts more weight on my front end. Dr. Kramer says eventually I may need a “carpal brace” for wrist support.
Wyatt rolls downhill in his new wheels.
About every two days here’s what my new Tripawd wheelchair walking routine looks like:
First I go potty.
Then I do a five or ten minute warm up walk. Dr. K says this is important. Just because I have wheels doesn’t mean I will give up walking, as long as I am mobile.
When my warm up walk is over, Mom and Dad set me up in the chair and away we go!
I kinda like the wheels, actually. And Dad likes them more now that I don’t run over his feet as often. I’ve tipped over once or twice but I think I’m getting those turns down now. The cool part is that everywhere we go, people wave and cheer me on, like I’m in a pawrade or something!
Opening presents is hard work but I’ve got it under control.
I was all worn out, and thought I was done with the unwrapping.
When suddenly, this happened.
What the heck Santa?!
I’m gonna let my people tell you all about it in Tripawds News. They’ll get around to it as soon as they recover from our New Year’s pawty. Stay tuned.