Look guys, I’m not a real softie as you know. After all I am a German Shepherd. But there comes a time when life hurts so much that even tough dogs like me feel sad.

My brother from another mother Austin Ray has gone to the Bridge. He was just one of those dogs who was so nice to everyone he ever met. I admired that about him. He even put up with me and you know that’s saying something.

And in January, our Chief Regulator Codie Rae turned in her badge. Life isn’t quite right ever since. The world is a little quieter with her gone. Ok, a LOT.

If you don’t know, Austin and Codie are part of the Oaktown Pack. They raised me when I was just a dumb young pup, right after I lost my leg. They taught me everything I know about taking charge and regulating you humans. And now they’re gone.

We sure had some times. Our people got together every now and then, even though we live far apart. They weren’t the only ones having a good time!

Get this: try to picture four three-legged German Shepherds and one four pawed recreation leader, Smokey B, raising hell and having a ball! Yeah you know it was a par-tay.
I know that nopawdy lives furever. Not even the world’s greatest three legged German Shepherd dogs. It ain’t right, but that’s the way it is. We just don’t get enough time on this planet to establish order and do our jobs. Oh and have fun, that’s important too.
The humans always say life is short. Well duh I say, we animals have been telling you that all along. So here’s another reminder. Get out today and go play with your Tripawd. Your quadpawd too! Then give your human pack extra slobbery kisses and tell them how much you love them. Someday when I am just a memory too, you’ll smile and go “Remember how much fun I had when I did what Wyatt Ray told me to do?”