It’s Thanksgiving, which means it’s time to clean up my act and find out what WRD really stands for. Hint, it’s NOT Wyatt Ray Dawg!
I always thought my initials, WRD, were for my name: Wyatt Ray Dawg. That would make sense, right?
But apparently, during the pawliday season, WRD stands for something else. And I don’t like it one bit. I thought all that swimming I did last summer counted as enough bathing for a lifetime. But mom and dad had other ideas.
Life is ruff when you’re a dawg during the pawlidays. It’s all about being clean when you go visiting, right? How totally exhausting!
From me, Wyatt Ray Dawg, and my people: Hoppy Thanksgiving to you and your pack! May all the turkeys get pardoned, like my feathered friends in Montana.
Wyatt the three-legged German Shepherd celebrates his seventh ampuversary on three legs.
Yo! I’m pawtying here in the Colorado mountains where a hot dawg like me can chill out and have fun on this very big occasion. It’s my SEVENTH ampuversary! There’s so much to do, like swimming and hiking.
Every German Shepherd Trpawd needs a job.
Oh and being in the Fourth of July parade too!
Dog Bless America!
My peeps work at the ranch all summer. When they’re gone, I patrol for skwirels and keep an eye on all these loose, unregulated Shelties that run around. That’s not the life for me, I’d rather watch from the comfort of my doghouse on wheels.
Hoppy July Fourth Everypawdy!
On hot days (which is like 80 here!) they take me swimming in the ponds. Maybe today we’ll go, after all, it’s a special day!
Yes, three-legged dogs can swim!
And there you have it. Just like my pal Codie Rae, I’m a July Ampuversary Tripawd. I lost my leg when I was eight months old and said “So what?!”
Today, I’m seven and life is good. I’m a little mellower but rock solid and I love my job as Tripawds Spokesdawg. Who knew when I was chained up in those mean people’s yard that I would go on to worldwide fame? Yep, that’s meeeee. The one n only Wyatt Ray Dawg.
Tripawds Spokesdog wants you to join Team Tripawds and help fight canine cancer with Morris Animal Foundation on Saturday April 24 2016.
Check this out. Did you know that half of my dawg friends are gonna die of cancer some day? No. Joke. I ain’t kidding. When I was at the AAHA show with my people, Dr. Hardy from Colorado State told me all about it. I was so sad I just wanted to bury my head in the One Cure stuffie she gave me.
But no. I refuse. I will NOT give in to fear or evil cancer. I will STAND UP and fight it with every furry hair on my body. And that’s a LOT of fur, people.
Join Me, Join Team Tripawds for the April 24 Morris Walk!
Tripawds Spokesdawg Wyatt Ray wishes everyone a hoppy, healthy four and three-legged Christmas and new year!
Hello Santa Paws.
I think I’ve been a very good Dawg this year, don’t you? I mean after last year’s Christmastime Bellyache, I haven’t landed myself in the pawspital again. After all, we Shepherds are darn smart, we learn quick. No more “foreign objects” for me, I’ll stick with real food from now on.
It’s been a good year. I went from coast to coast, met neat people and behaved myself soooo good, like better than ever. After all, I’ll be seven years old in a few days, I think it’s time I act like a grown up. And I’ll show you how grown up I am now . . . this year, all I want for Christmas is for all the Tripawds out there to be hoppy and healthy for a long, long time. To get out of shelters, to live the good life and be with people who love them furever and ever. I don’t think that’s a lot to ask, do you?
Musher Dog Wyatt gets blessed with Spirit Bucky’s ashes on the Feast of Saint Francis Day.
Ashes to ashes . . . they say that’s all we are in the end. But we are so much more than that don’t you think? Take my friend Spirit Bucky for example.
Bucky, photo by TC Wait
Bucky was a pack member of the Odaroloc Sled Dogs, who you might know because of Tripawd Hero Calpurnia. Bucky was the kind of dawg who showed the world that statistics don’t mean a thing. He beat the cancer odds with not just one but two kinds of cancer, including hemangiosarcma! He made it 48 months when he was only supposed to stick around for six! His momma TC wrote in her blog:
Bucky was the kind of dog that didn’t care that he wasn’t a “real” sled dog. He didn’t care that his coat was thin, his legs a bit too long, or that his ears were apparently put on backwards. He loved being a part of his team, and when they sang, he did his very best to howl along in a baying hound sort of way.
So, you know how when you see someone cool, someone who just has a certain sparkle about them, you think “Man, I want some of what they’ve got!” Well, I got some of what Bucky had. Really!
Travelin with the Odaroloc Dawgs
When I saw the Odaroloc team last month, TC came over to share some of Bucky’s spirit with me. She carries his ashes around when the team travels. Sometimes dogs are lucky enough to get a dash of bucky Magic. . .
“Nice to meet you Bucky!”
On October 4th, the Feast of Saint Francis, which my people say was really cool to do on that day, I got some Bucky Magic. TC came over and took a pinch of his ashes and rubbed them on my head.
“Oh I’m not supposed to eat it?”
We’re nothing but a pile of ashes in the end, but I gots to believe that some of our goodness is left with those ashes too. So, hey ain’t it cool I got a pile of Bucky goodness all over my fur that day?