Boy, of all my schemes to squeeze attention from my pawrents, this week’s stunt wasn’t on my radar, I swear! I really didn’t plan to visit an operating room on the same day that Spirit Jerry was getting his leg amputated back in 2006, but sometimes that just how life rolls.
There I was one day last week, having a ball barking and getting into scruffs with the Amazing Tripawd Vizsla, Bart (more on that action-packed adventure when I’m feelin better), when all of a sudden this thing starts growing on my butt and before I knew it, wheeeeeeeee, down the rabbit hole and into surgery with some people that folks call “Aggies.”
Here’s the kicker: I’ve got them geniuses stumped, AGAIN! Haha, just like last year at Colorado State when the smart people couldn’t figure out why my stump had a lump, now I’ve got more Einsteins wondering what the heck is THAT on his BUTT?
It sucks that I have to stay in the hospital until next week, but I’m getting so much love here from all the poor vet students who had to stay in skewl for Thanksgiving. I heard the doc tell my people that maybe next week I can go home. Dang, I hope so, I want some of those turkey leftovers I keep hearing about!
Hey you guys, don’t feel bad for me OK? You go be with your tribe, love each other up on Thanksgiving, and remember, who loves you baby? I do!
Your friend, conspirator, and Sheriff,
Wyatt Ray Dawg