I think Humans are part Retriever. They love to go out and play fetch for all kinds of things. Money. Cars. Houses. Cats. Dogs. But when they finally get those things, they sure have a hard time letting go of what they find.

In 2009 my parents found me and didn’t let go. I was so glad. We hung on together for a wild ride criss-crossing all over the continent in our doghouse on wheels. My life has been everything a dog could want. All along we knew it couldn’t last forever, but we pressed on, ignoring the truth.

Earlier this year, I tried to prepare my humans that it would soon be time to let go of me. I slowed down. All those daily physical therapy exercises weren’t doing what they used to. I got weak.
Yeah, it’s hard to believe, I know. How does a loud, rowdy punk rock dog like me get old and wear out? My people tried so hard to not let it happen. We followed canine rehab therapists advice my whole life. My coaches worked me hard. I never got a pawliday from fitness!

But twelve years went by, and then it happened. Nature bats last as they say.
A couple of months ago I knew it was time to ditch these earth clothes of mine. They served their purpose, and I looked great wearing them didn’t I? My people felt sad there were no miracles left for this geriatric Tripawd dog.

I held out as long as I could, until I could not. Last week I spoke to Mom, and I spoke to Dad. I showed them I needed to move on. And after lots of tears and talking, they agreed.
It was time for them to let go. It was time to let dog.
And so they did. Yesterday on November 10, they helped me hop out of my achy old bones. While stuffing my face with hot dogs and Auntie Carla’s Cosmic Cookies, I bowed out of this earthly dimension and barked my way to the Rainbow Bridge.
Let Go. Let Dog. I. Am. Free.
Please don’t be sad for me. Listen here people. I’m gone from the earth, but not from the heavens and definitely not from your hearts. Listen for my bark. I’m always by your side Tripawds friends.

Please join us for a live video tribute call to celebrate the life of Wyatt Ray Dawg and all our tripawd angels
Tripawds founders Rene & Jim invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
12:00 Noon PST (3:00 Eastern)
Topic: Tribute to our Three Legged Angel Wyatt Ray and
All Our Tripawd Angels at the Bridge
Join Zoom Meeting Here at 12:00 Noon 11/17/20
Meeting ID: 916 413 1725
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